Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 84- A Nine-Iron to a Meter Maid's Car- Magnus Talks About Smallville- Season 02 Part 03



In this week's ball-smashing-with-a-nine-iron episode, Magnus once again yammers on at great (some would say unnecessary) length about Dichotic, Skinwalker, Visage and Insurgence from Smallville's second season. Watch Jonathan Taylor-Thomas split in two! Thrill to a Kawache girl turning into a werewolf (if that's your thing)! Witness Clark almost leap a tall building with a single bound! Crucial characters are introduced, sublime subplots are carried forward and a well-regarded second season episode is manifestly a sequel to a first season episode. All this, and Magnus once again pulls the ol' mailbag open nice and wide. So what are you waiting for? Start listening right now! Otherwise Tina Greer might beat you silly with a baseball bat. You lowly beggars and miscreants shouldn't feel left out. You commoners and peasants are always welcome to pay your pathetic attempt at tribute to Magnus. DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept bribes to present your missives to His Excellency for re