Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 76- Just As Dysfunctional As Everyone Else- Magnus Talks About Smallville- Season 02 Part 02



In this latest ball-poisoning episode, Magnus once again takes a look back at Smallville, this time discussing the episodes Nocturne, Redux, Lineage and Ryan from season 2. The characters alternately get blasts from the past, discover surprising secrets about family and, at points, say goodbye to friends way too soon. All that and Magnus clues you plebes in on the sowing of seeds for Clark's character trajectory this season. Once it's all over, His Excellency takes a fond look back at his own magnificence in podcasting during 2014. The voluminous quantity of highs, the only low (which was itself a fluke, very brief and the perfect storm of factors utterly beyond His Excellency's control). The click-bait suckers in the crowd might have wanted the above to say "I can't believe who Magnus smack-talked in the second half!" but not everything belongs on Buzzfeed. Most things don't, in fact. Because of all the character study and the recognition of his grandeur, Magnus has no time for you plebes to pay tribute to y