Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 74- One May Smile and Smile and Be A Villain- JFK commentary (with Michael Bailey)



In this latest ball-assassinating episode, Magnus is rejoined by his loyal podcasting vassal Michael Bailey to talk, talk and talk some more about the director's cut of Oliver Stone's 1991 opus JFK. 3.5 hours of commentary, conspiracy skepticism and smoke breaks. The click-bait vulnerable might've preferred "Magnus did *WHAT* halfway through the commentary?!!?" but it's hard to lose enough brain cells to invent such cheap marketing tactics. Because of the length of this episode (has it been mentioned yet that it's 3.5 hours long?), there's no time for adulation from the unwashed miscreants. Listener feedback has been suspended this week. Even so, paying tribute to His Excellency's grandeur is always encouraged so the lowmen and commoners listening who have ideas for a topic should feel free to e-mail their beloved emperor at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! In an act of barely c