Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Episode 70- Not A Sin- Green Lantern- Emerald Dawn I



In this latest ball-tasing episode, Magnus goes to great pains to show listeners and stuffy DC editors that, in spite of all claims to the contrary, Green Lantern- Emerald Dawn is most assuredly *NOT* a sin. It begins with awesomeness. Which, of course, His Excellency has in the utmost abundance. And that leads to an idea. The idea in this case being to establish that Jim Owsley, Keith Giffen, Gerard Jones and MD Bright are men amongst men when it comes to all things Green Lantern. The end result of any such undertaking can only be the face-rocking splendor which longtime listeners have come to expect and which first time listeners will have their faces rocked by. For those given to cheap click-bait gimmicks, "You won't believe what Magnus said about Emerald Dawn! My wife just went sterile listening to this!" But it's not *ALL* comics this week. Nope! This week's plentiful helping of badassitude is wrapped up with plebes giving adoring tribute to His Excellency Magnus in this week's feedback section. "You jus