Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 58- It's A Plane- Superman v1 #01 & #02



In this latest ball-boiling episode, Magnus continues the critically-sainted Superman Megaseries by taking a look at Superman vol. 1 #01 and #02, the first Golden Age comics this series has ever covered. What did His Excellency think of these quaint old relics from a bygone era? Well, saying so here means you wouldn't have to listen to the episode. And that would be bad. Mmmkay? Also, Magnus opens the old mailbag and responds to some feedback from you lowly peasants this week. If any of you simpletons have a suggestion for a topic, you should feel free to e-mail your wise leader at and he might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that's a promise! Feedback for this and any other episode may be sent to