Robin Wilkins Smith's Audacious Life The Podcast

Episode 015: Interview with Crissa Sigl



 As listeners know, this podcast is about sharing the women I know with everyone else. With the focus on celebrities and other leaders in the media, we can overlook the audacious women doing great things living just next door! Today I’m joined by one of the many audacious women in my life: friend, educator, yoga teacher, caregiver, and marathon runner, Crissa Sigl. After the recent loss of her mom, Crissa’s career path has shifted, forcing her to re-evaluate her life, re-discover her purpose, and figure out how she can give back to her community. In my interview with Crissa, I ask her to answer the 3Ws, the same three questions I ask each of my guests, the three questions that we all must answer for ourselves to move forward in life: Who are you? What do you want? And why do you want what you want? In this episode, Crissa shares her advice for processing the loss of a parent and the value of giving back, one small step at a time. Key Points From This Episode: • Who is Crissa Sigl and what does she really