Building A Law Firm

064: People Are Coming To Get You



People Are Coming to Take Your Law Firm There is a storm brewing out there, an effort to subvert all of your work, and if you aren't ready to face it head on, it's going to gobble up your law firm and leave nothing left for you to live on. What I'm talking about here is your insistence on ignoring Facebook and Google as the new advertising channels for your business. And when you do that, you leave the door open for some new law firm owner (or some established one looking for new fresh ground) to come in and take over. You may not believe this, but neither did those attorneys making all of their money from the Yellow Pages. Neither did those attorneys relying only on word of mouth (when the Yellow Pages appeared). It's time for you to take control of your law firm and learn and understand these new marketing methods. Without them, you are putting yourself at significant risk... If you want to have a system for bringing in endless clients but aren't sure what to do, check out this free training I've g