Building A Law Firm

065: Telling Sign of Law Firm Failure



Are You Doomed to Failure? I was on the road to a CLE when I recorded this episode and I was thinking about all of the lawyers and law firm owners out there that view CLE as a nuisance and I got kind of happy. See, I love CLE, and I gladly pay for a good one (and only attend conferences that are actually relevant to my practice area). The reason I do this is simple - I only have a limited amount of time in the day and in my life. I want to try to spend every minute I can getting better and moving forward. This CLE idea for me is more a microcosm of life than a specific discussion about the number of lawyers that just brush it off. If you are brushing this off then what else are you brushing off? In what other areas of your life and your business are you letting laziness win over doing the right thing? If you want to win in life as a person and a law firm owner you've got to start respecting every minute of your day. Rant over! If you are interested in learning how to double your law firm revenue in 1