Building A Law Firm

068: The Fatal Law Firm Google Ads Mistake



The Fatal Law Firm Google Ads Mistake I am working on a new law firm google ads campaign and was compelled to create this episode to right a serious wrong I am seeing over and over and over again. As part of my prep for my law firm google ads campaigns I always go and check out the competition (no I don't click through on their ads - I just copy and paste the URL into the nav bar). What I kept seeing made me feel really sad for the law firm that was running the campaign. They were literally letting thousands of dollars slip through their hands EVERY MONTH. The main problem with these law firm google ad campaigns was that they were forgetting one of the three parts of the sequence that result in new clients. Because they were completely ignoring this element, even if they had a great ad they were losing out on potential clients calling their law firm and eventually hiring them. I share that huge law firm google ads mistake, and more, in today's episode... If you are interested in learning how to double