Show Me Your News

Episode 171: Show Me Youmacon 2014



50 Fact Aftermath in the Smash Bros. Update, Xbox One gets a holiday price cut, and Nintendo's announced sleep monitoring device are discussed. Also, YouTube rolls out their 60 FPS update, Anita Sarkeesian appears as a guest on a Colbert Report segment on GamerGate, Twitch changing its partial-nudity policy is our Hilarity of the Weak and much more! We are at Youmacon 2014 in Detroit, as we cram seven people in a small hotel room for a gaming podcast. Youko, CyberLink420, Decaff78, PsychoWingX9, Exo-Raikou, Cat, Richard, and Rhoran break down the latest news from the gaming world! The post Episode 171: Show Me Youmacon 2014 appeared first on Show Me Your News.