Health Matters With Rosie Bank

Why Stretching Matters Part Two – Podcast #15



#15 Why Stretching Matters Part 2 Yoga stretching is like the fountain of youth. Consider doing yoga stretching for a wide variety of improvements in how you feel in your body every day.  Think of the difference it would make in your life to feel more comfortable, more relaxed, more alive. Yoga stretching can help you achieve all of these and more. May I assume that you followed my suggestion and have listened to Part One of this two-part podcast? Episode 14 comes before 15. You will invariably get more value if you listen to them in order. Yoga stretching can become part of your life. Let me show you how. Here are the topics I broached on Health Matters Podcast Episode 15: How to deal with a “too-busy” life. How do yoga stretches help if you feel stiff in your body? What about equipment and your space? What do you need to get started? What about when to stretch? Is it better to have one set time, or are there a variety of ideal times for you to stretch your body? What are the pros and cons of