Health Matters With Rosie Bank

Leave a Legacy of Health – Podcast #13



#13 Leave a Legacy of Health This conversation has no end. Why? Because there is no arrival point when it comes to taking care of your body and making your health a priority. I suppose at the end of our lives, we can consider this chapter closed. But every day leading up to that, we can always do things to help us keep our bodies, our energy levels, our ability to stay well top of mind. In this episode, I will engage with you something I call Leaving a Legacy of Health. This is about looking forward. The choices you make today have a lasting effect. Not only for you, but for the people you love, with whom you work, and perhaps who you serve through your profession. Knowing what this looks like is key to your staying on track. To ignore your future goals and desires makes it so much harder to make good choices today. Connect the dots is one of my favorite sayings. In this episode of Health Matters Podcast, I explain three benchmarks to help you accomplish what I just described. They are: You use food