Health Matters With Rosie Bank

Are You Addicted to Stress – Podcast #12



#12 Are You Addicted to Stress On this podcast: Learn how to recognize the signs of excess stress and what to do about it. Stress can be “good” and stress can be “bad” ...  How can you tell the difference? How can you use stress as it is meant to help us function? And when do you have to jump off that stress train to become a calmer, healthier, happier version of you? Here are the topics I broached on Health Matters Podcast Episode 12: What happens to our health when we overdo stress? What health conditions are so-called “stress related?” What are the benefits of unwinding from stress and becoming more relaxed? What are the most effective ways to go from stress to experiencing peace and harmony? Here is another podcast that your body wants you to listen to. And so does your mind, and your muscles, and your heart… well, every part of you. Why? Because stress causes wear and tear and puts you at risk. Anyone and everyone who is committed to her health will pay attention to the signs of excess s