Health Matters With Rosie Bank

Doing Drugs in Public – Podcast #4



#4 Doing Drugs in Public Today we are exploring a very legal drug that can have horrendous consequences to your body.  Sugar. In this episode I’ll dig into how your food choices can impact your health positively … or negatively. Get my five best tips for managing and getting relief from taking in too much sugar and processed food. Why you are starving even a couple of hours after you eat? Why is it so incredibly important to maintain steady levels of your blood glucose? Is it true what they say about having a healthy breakfast? Learn this and more on this podcast episode. Heat up your metabolism for energy and weight loss! The lifestyle of avoiding diabetes is far better than the one where you are putting yourself at risk. If you want to take the avoidance pathway, you need to hear this episode. I will show you how to get off the train that’s headed toward a health wreck. We talk about five important and specific signposts that can alert you to make adjustments in order to steer clear of diabetes