Drinking At Bible Study

95: Surviving Trump Pt.2/Love The People Trump Hates



Joe starts by making a few announcements. Friend of the show Joy Beth Smith just released a book. Party of One: Truth, Longing, and the Subtle Art of Singleness is available now! Also, next week we begin our series on What Is The Bible? by Rob Bell. Next week we will discuss the Introduction and the first five chapters.  In this week's episode Joe and Brandi discuss why they prefer alcohol over pot. The in the fellowship they discuss something Joe discovered about himself. Then the Ice Breaker bleeds into the Falafeling as they discuss what they like to listen to on long drives. In the Falafeling they finish up their two part series on How To Survive Trump where they talk about practical things we can actively do to remain positive. All this and very little else in this week's episode.    Special Announcement 00:00 Intro 2:15 Fellowship 9:06 Ice Breaker 21:06 Let's Get Falafeling 37:57 Prayer Requests 1:34:47 Bonus Track 1:39:40   Outro Song: The Parting Glass by The Pogues