:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 88: A Life Well Lived



Welcome back to our normal schedule of brand new episodes every Wednesday! This week we cover two of the previous three weeks we missed while Randy was in Hawaii!IN HONORING GOD’S EXPECTATIONSJanuary 20, 2018Understanding tithing is important for today. It seems sort of arbitrary that God would say that 10 off the top of our increase is claimed by him! Is this still true for today? Is “tithing” some old covenant law like circumcision that is no longer valid for Christians today? Or are the reasons behind tithing still valid and still important? How are tithe dollars used, and what’s the biblical mandate?IN CHOOSING THE RIGHT GODJanuary 27, 2018While pagan temples may not be a big draw today, the temptation of idols is alive and real. In fact, the most attractive idol is our self! Our excuses for not giving more may be about our loyalties and values more than the excuse we verbalize. We are told by Jesus to “lay up treasure in heaven” because our hearts follow our money! The invitation isn’t so much abo