Building A Law Firm

094: Mindset Secrets – Stop Playing By The “Rules



Mindset Secrets: Stop Playing By the "Rules" All of us live by unwritten "rules" we tell ourselves. "I don't have enough experience to enter this market." "I look too young to be taken seriously." "Credit cards are dangerous and should never be used." "If my peers don't think highly of me then I must not be that good." "If I charge a lot for my services and make a lot of money I am a bad person." These "rules" exist only in your head. The sooner you release yourself of these rules and start living the life you want and deserve, the sooner everyone in your life becomes better. For a more complete breakdown of this concept, make sure you check out the video/podcast! Cheers. Christopher Small P.S. - Still stuck? Come and check out Infinity Clients Workshop and hang with other successful law firm owners AND get the strategies and tactics I've used to build m own successful law firm. Click here to learn more about ICW.