Building A Law Firm

093: Facebook Ads Secrets – The Path to Clients for Your Law Firm



 Law Firm Facebook Ads Secrets: The Path to Clients for Your Law Firm If you are starting a law firm or struggling with your law firm you probably know you should be doing some sort of law firm advertising but your not sure what to do. You know (or you've heard) that Facebook can be an amazing source of clients but your not sure how it works, what the process is like. Today that all changes. I'm going to break down for you the path to law firm clients using Facebook ads. The truth is, it's as simple as: 1. Pixel 2. Content 3. Website 4. CTA That's all you need to know. What it ISN'T, and a mistake I see all the time, is a billboard looking advertisement to try to get people to call you if they need help. It isn't a statement touting your experience, or your expertise, or your aggressiveness. Facebook is a place to build relationships. It's a place to teach. It's a place to interact. Get these things right and your Facebook advertising efforts will take off for your law firm. Cheers. P.S. - W