Dull Crayons

Episode 11: Teach Your Children Well (**but keep dinosaurs a secret**)



Dinosaurs, Goomba's and Bamba, oh my! Also, Julian confuses famous American painter Ed Hopper with famous American spousal abuser Dennis Hopper for a good five minutes (Official Dull Crayons' position: Easy Rider Sucks!), reveals his plain pizza eating habits, and Gabriel's great shame comes out: he memorized the number to Domino's as a kid. Plus, extensive, in-depth coverage of school lunch. Stay tuned, stay dull. "God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs, God creates Man, Man kills God, Man brings back dinosaurs." (Jeff Goldblum as Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park) Write us a review, contact us at dullcrayons@gmail.com, and follow us at twitter.com/DullCrayons https://www.facebook.com/dullcrayons/