Dharma Talks by Rama ~ Dr. Frederick Lenz

Tantric Buddhism - Transience



Meditation is different. It has nothing to do with reincarnation. Meditation is when we go beyond incarnation, beyond all cycles, to immortality, to something that is not transient, to that which is eternal. When we meditate we stop our thought. When your thought stops, the mind is perfect. There is no transience. No thought, no transience. That's what is eternal -- when there is no thought, no sense of self and no impressions. That's eternity -- what you feel, that reality that you are. That's eternal. That's beyond transience. That's what we really are, of course. Yet, surprise -- we get to have two bodies, a transient body and an eternal body. We forget about the eternal body when we're real caught up in the transient body, and things appear very frightening from the transient body's point of view because it knows it's going to die, it knows it's going to dissolve and it's afraid of that. But if we switch to the eternal body, if we bring up and wake up our eternal awareness, then there's nothing very frig