Building A Law Firm

096: Email Marketing Secrets: ONE Thing That Makes All the Difference



Email Marketing Secrets: ONE Thing That Makes All the Difference If I asked you to list a few things that you think might be this ONE thing that I'm talking about you'd probably come up with some ideas. Make sure the headline is catchy. Check your analytics and make sure they are getting opened. Start with a story and then go from there. Don't make them too long. Always end with a call to action. But, when it gets right down to it, there is ONE thing that will make all the difference when it comes to your email marketing efforts. Without this one thing none of the other things matter. Without this one thing you will NEVER see the success you could see with your email marketing campaigns. What is this one thing? Sending the damn email every week, no matter what. If you aren't sending emails right now, this seems so easy. But once you write something, once you prepare it to be sent to the world to be read and judged, hitting that send button gets a lot harder. All of a sudden the excuses start crop