Dull Crayons

BONUS: Welcome to the Gun Show!



BONUS: Welcome to the Gun Show BX Tony drops by to talk lockdown drills, safety protocols, and creative solutions to school shootings. Gabriel manages to make it through the ep without cursing and screaming the whole time, so that's a win; and if you make it through the first half there is lightness on the other side. "But what of the courage to stand in a room of little kids knowing all that is keeping you safe is a bookshelf and a reading table? In your heart a hope that our leaders will enact laws that will protect our kids, our schools and our teachers from guns that were made to execute vast numbers of people in an instant." ~Brett Bigham Write us a review, contact us at dullcrayons@gmail.com, and follow us at twitter.com/DullCrayons https://www.facebook.com/dullcrayons/ Keep Dull, Carry Snacks