Don't Jump The Shark

Star Wars Episode 3



WAR! And politics and Anakin Frank moaning about his promotion rather than being glad the Nazis didn’t get him. Yep despite this being cram packed with Star Wars type things it ends up coming of looking like something a fanboy put together in a lunch break whilst on work experience at Skywalker Sound. Come listen to us Barbeque this film with our UNLIMITED POWER! How would you like your Sith Lord prepared (I’m afraid we only have charred left). Prepare yourself George Lucas’ Outer Rim is about to get Kit Fisto’d by the Don’t Jump The Shark boys and their special guest James Donaldson (@DonaldJameson) Go on give us a follow on Facebook: Don’t Jump the Shark Film podcast Or on Twitter: @DontJumpShark Emails appreciated to Next episodes film is Star Trek V, Post your Don’t Jump the Shark moment on any of our social media for a chance to win a prize!