Don't Jump The Shark

I Robot



Aye Robot more like! In the first episode of the second series the boys return to their roots (Will Smith Films that start with "I") and watch Will Smith express himself by throwing bikes at people to save bullets in his quest to rid the world of robots. As we find out he's a robacist (racist against robots) and will stop at nothing to stop Hal 9000, sorry I mean VIKI from ending the human race. Listen out for Steve the Beef getting told to go home to his bed too! Follow us on twitter @DontJumpShark and feel free to send us your spam at Follow us on Facebook at Don't Jump The Shark Film Podcast. Please give us a review if you like this podcast and help us try to get into the charts. Next Episodes film is . Post where your Jump the Shark moment on our twitter feed or facebook page and you could win a prize.