Don't Jump The Shark

Dirty Dancing



Nobody puts baby in the corner (because nobody can fit her nose in). Hear the Don’t Jump the Shark boys learn how to dance the pod-dango under the instruction of Siobhan (@sbrown87). We’ve strapped on our dancing bra’s and tight black wifebeaters before some vigorous reviewing of this movie beloved by women everywhere. Does it jump the shark? We’ll see, but one thing’s for sure moustache-abortion is a funny topic. Listen in to see if we can learn all the moves in time for the synchronised dance routine at the end with the dreamy… Jerry Orbach! Follow us on twitter @DontJumpShark and feel free to send us your spam at Follow us on Facebook at Don't Jump The Shark Film Podcast. Please give us a review if you like this podcast and help us try to get into the charts. Next will be a special update with the guys and their plans for upcoming films guests and events. Post where your Jump the Shark moment on our twitter feed or facebook page and you could win a prize.