

  News: Batman Zombicide Invader What we have been playing! (Roy) Stuffed Fables (Rob) Strike, Telestrations, Wits and Wagers: Vegas Edition (Matt) Pandemic Legacy Season 2 Topic: Casual gaming What games do you think of when it comes to casual gaming? Are there some games that are more laid back than others? Are there times where you would rather play something more casual? Are there specific aspects of a game mechanics that make a game more casual than competitive? Would you rather play something casual or something a little bit more tense? Do you find it hard to play a game casually? What game do you play when you just want to chill out? Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: Steve Steitz Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram If you want to support epic gaming night check out our Patreon at Thank you so much to our amazing patrons!! We stream the show normally on Tuesday nights at 9 PM Ea