Building A Law Firm

Networking Secrets: Be Selfish | BLF 100



Networking Secrets: Be Selfish... When it comes to networking and starting your law firm it's really easy to fall into the habit of saying yes to everything. Yes, I'll take that coffee with you. Yes, I'll go that "networking" event. Yes, I'll go to that bar association event. When I look back on that time spent, however, I realize that, while it felt good at the time in reality it was a huge waste of time. What I should have been doing instead was being selfish with my time. I should have been asking myself what the expectations were from spending time at this event. I should have been asking myself if that coffee meeting at least checks the boxes for what the minimum requirements are for my network partners (1 - in an industry that can refer; 2 - enough experience to be generating their own business; 3 - they look cool from a distance). If not, I should have started saying no to those meetings. Eventually I did start doing that. My good relationships grew even stronger and my time opened up for doi