Sitch Normal

Episode I: Bison Broth, Bourbon, and Breast Milk



Four longtime friends decide to use a podcast as an excuse to hang out together. Flo is the group's wayward soul with deep philosophical questions. The jolly, whiskey-loving voice who laughs loudest at his own jokes is Caulfield. Stick is the smart one who's good for one liners and stories without endings. And Carter, the resister, battles his cynicism and self doubt by trying to come across as wise and well-read.

These normal guys think they have something to add to the chaos of life and noisiness of the internet. Pop culture, sports, health and fitness (or lack thereof), and family life are just a few topics that this group--with a combination of half a ton of weight and 6 kids and counting--attempt to uncover and sort out with references to Star Wars, Seinfeld, and Simpsons galore.