Good News With Nurse Heather

Amy Donohue of GetHybridSocial



Today on Good News with Nurse Heather, CannaKenny and Nurse Heather are joined by Amy Donohue, CEO of GetHybridSocial. Amy is excellent at building relationships on and offline, she really gets the “social” in social media. Also known as The Fabulous One, she is a regular speaker at Ignite Phoenix, Ignite Phoenix After Hours, Tech Phoenix, and Startup PHX. She has also led social media workshops for 5 years, most recently through NetworkingPhoenix. She will be the 1st to preach to you about fostering social media. She donated a kidney to a twitter follower’s mom in 2011, which just shows her ability at building and fostering relationships. The proud mom of a rat terrier named Dexter; two cats, Chank and Sandwich; and a saltwater tank to soothe her soul, Amy brings over a decade of social media experience to Get Hybrid Social.