:15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff

Episode 94: Church Retreat - Room at the Table



The theme for the 2018 FHC Retreat was “Making Room at the Table,” considering how, when Jesus walked the earth, he spent time with, valued, and chose as his closest friends those whom society – and particularly church leaders – marginalized and rejected. As his followers, we are called to be intentional about creating hospitable environments in our communities. How can a church be more relevant to, and inclusive of, those who have often been excluded?This year’s Retreat speaker was Lisa Diller. Lisa is a historian (PhD, University of Chicago) who teaches on the early modern world at Southern Adventist University. She researches and writes on religious minorities and the development of modern liberal democracy. In addition to seventeenth century religion and politics, she enjoys service/activism in her urban neighborhood and ministry in the local church community she and her husband Tommy helped start in 2008 (https://wellonthesouthside.com/). Her academic credentials enable her to talk about history and po