Robin Wilkins Smith's Audacious Life The Podcast

Episode 031: Interview With Robin by Kim Robbins



Welcome to good friend, photographer, and artist, Kim Robbins! Today's episode changes things up a bit: Kim will interview your host, Robin Wilkins Smith. In this episode, we learn more about Robin — how she lives her life and why she started the Audacious Life podcast. She shares with you what being audacious really means to her and why this word has stuck with her for so many years. Kim asks Robin the 3Ws — a series of essential questions that Robin asks all of her guests. You’ll find out why the 3Ws are so important for women to ask themselves today.  Robin really believes women must recognize their own biggest gift they bring to life and then own that gift to live life on purpose. There are many things Robin does to balance her physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. She shares with you some helpful tips that she has learned along the way.  She also discusses her hobbies, favorite books, and what her biggest dream is for all of us. If you are feeling stuck in any aspect of your life, we hope th