Building A Law Firm

108: Your Attitude is Your Liability



Your Attitude is Your Liability I had a conversation with an Infinity Clients Workshop member the other day that really kind of made me mad. See, things weren't going well for him. He was encountering a lot of resistance in his life. And while he was telling me what was going on I kept hearing a theme repeated over and over and over. "They" are doing x, y, and z. And "they" aren't doing x, y, and z. And if only "they" would change what they were doing things would be wonderful. It was at that point that we started talking about what the real problem was - HIM. If you find yourself blaming others for the things happening around you. If you find yourself frustrated that the world is not working the way that you want. If you wish there was a way to turn the ship, to get things working properly, and to get the fires that pop up in your life out of sight, then I've got good news for you. This episode will help with that. Cheers. Christopher Small P.S. - Wish you could own a business that would make gr