Urantia Book

21 - The Paradise Creator Sons



The Paradise Creator Sons (234.1) 21:0.1 THE Creator Sons are the makers and rulers of the local universes of time and space. These universe creators and sovereigns are of dual origin, embodying the characteristics of God the Father and God the Son. But each Creator Son is different from every other; each is unique in nature as well as in personality; each is the “only-begotten Son” of the perfect deity ideal of his origin. (234.2) 21:0.2 In the vast work of organizing, evolving, and perfecting a local universe, these high Sons always enjoy the sustaining approval of the Universal Father. The relationship of the Creator Sons with their Paradise Father is touching and superlative. No doubt the profound affection of the Deity parents for their divine progeny is the wellspring of that beautiful and well-nigh divine love which even mortal parents bear their children. (234.3) 21:0.3 These primary Paradise Sons are personalized as Michaels. As they go forth from Paradise to found their universes, they are known