Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

From Where you are to Where you Want to Be!



From Where you are to where you want to be!What's the best thing to do when you're not where you want to be? There's this challenge, maybe its a job you don't like, or a relationship- or lack of one, health or some issue...You are desiring, moving, wanting, praying, meditating, taking action..You are trying to 'create' the new....But the old is so IN YOUR FACE.You can't help thinking about it. Even though you try to be 'positive and hopeful,' those nagging thoughts, complaints and well....This is all a part of your journey of spiritual awakening...The difference is, NOW you are willing to look at your outer circumstances as a result of your inner circumference... And you NOW know that you need to 'work' on the inner expansion if you want an outer change.There's help.There's things you can do.