Opposites Extract: A Debate Podcast About Coffee

Ep. 1: Man vs. Machine with Brant Curtis



In our pilot episode, Meister and Joe debate Wilbur and Curtis Co.'s director of communication and innovation, Brant Curtis, over the following questions: 1. Who brews better coffee, human or machine? 2. Ideally, should machines try to emulate human brewing styles, or should humans try to emulate brewers? 3. What is the single most important characteristic a coffeemaker (whether human or robot) should have? 4. Are design flaws easier to forgive in brewing equipment than poor technique is in a human barista? Brant Curtis is the director of communication and innovation at the multigenerational family company Wilbur Curtis Co., manufacturer of super-sturdy coffee and tea brewing equipment, and a longtime booster of specialty coffee. Track him down at any major coffee event and get him to brew you something delicious on one of the sleek Curtis Seraphim machines, or simply follow him on Twitter @brantcurtis.