

Ep. 162: Up/down time!   News: Epic Gaming Night Pogs!! Dice tower con scavenger hunt and prizes! What we have been playing!? (Roy) 7 Wonders, Wiz-War, Ethnos (Rob) Thanos Rising, Ethnos (Matt) Nothing Topic: Down time Describe the concept of up and down time in a board game. How do you feel about down time in games? Does length of the game have anything to do with the amount of downtime? What are some Games with a lot of downtime? Xia Forbidden Stars Can some games be prone to analysis paralysis and lead to down time? What are some ways designers & developers can minimize downtime? What are some mechanics that help minimize downtime? What are some games that keep players constantly engaged? Century Ethnos Fief Have you ever been surprised by how long you been playing a game because you were engaged the whole time? Do you have any tips for listeners on how to deal