Aloha Shorts

Aloha Shorts - February 21, 2012



War: What Is It Good For? #1 (NEW) “My Record of Camp Tanforan” (“Tanforan shuyosho ni oite shitatamu”) by Maida Kane, translated by Robert N. Huey, read by Shiro Kawai and Christine Yano Bamboo Ridge 84 (25th Anniversary Issue, Fall 2003): 268-269 “Twenty-Five Feet by Twenty” (“Nijugoshaku ni nijushaku”) by Maida Kane, translated by Robert N. Huey, read by Shiro Kawai and Christine Yano Bamboo Ridge 84 (25th Anniversary Issue, Fall 2003): 270-271 “War Child: Elisabeth” by Elisabeth Knoke Dieckvoss, read by Sonja Sironen Bamboo Ridge 87 (Spring 2005): 34-35 “War Child: Joan/When the Bough Breaks” by J.A. Kelleher, read by Eden-Lee Murray Bamboo Ridge 87 (Spring 2005): 36-39 “War Child: Katherine” by Katherine Z. Smith, read by Leena Kurvet-Käosaar Bamboo Ridge 87 (Spring 2005): 42