Aloha Shorts

Aloha Shorts - January 31, 2012



“RE-BROADCAST: Da Body #1 "My Breathing" by Sue Cowing, read by Walter Eccles Sister Stew: Fiction and Poetry by Women (Bamboo Ridge 50/51, Spring/Summer 1991): 192-193 Also published on audiocassette: Sister Stew: Fiction and Poetry by Women (Honolulu: Bamboo Ridge Press, 2001) "At the Gynecologist's Office" by Jody Helfand, read by Norman Muñoz Bamboo Ridge 87 (Spring 2005): 127 "Double Eyes" by Bill Miyasato, read by Devon Nekoba Bamboo Ridge 13 (Winter 1981): 21-24 "Garbage" by A.T. Inoshita, read by Denise-Aiko Chinen Bamboo Ridge 84 (25th Anniversary Issue, Fall 2003): 186 Also published in Manoa Stream (Honolulu: Kahuaomanoa Press, 2007): 36 "Curt Lum (True Story)" by Lee Cataluna Folks You Meet in Longs and Other Stories (Bamboo Ridge 86, Fall 2004): 90-91 Also published as a playscript: Folks You Meet in Longs (Honolulu; Kumu Kahua Theatre, 2003) 14-15