Aloha Shorts

Aloha Shorts - October 5, 2010



Labor 3 - Grampa Joji Still Wears Plantation Khakis by Lee Cataluna, read by Dave Lancaster Folks You Meet in Longs and Other Stories (Bamboo Ridge 86, Fall 2004): 124-125 Also published as a playscript in Folks You Meet in Longs (Honolulu: Kumu Kahua Theatre, 2003): 13 ?A Local Man?s Work? by Gail N. Harada, read by Devon T. Nekoba Bamboo Ridge 81 (Spring 2002): 94-95 ?An Offering of Rice? by Mavis Hara, read by Meredith Desha Enos Bamboo Ridge 41 (Winter 1989): 87-96 Reprinted in Home to Stay: Asian American Women's Fiction. Sylvia Watanabe and Carol Bruchac, eds. (New York: Greenfield Review Press, 1990): 242-251 Republished as ?An Offering of Rice 1935? in An Offering of Rice (Bamboo Ridge 90, Spring 2007): 26-33 ?Enough to Make Me Cut Carrots and Celery by Hand? by Amy Uyematsu, read by Krisha Fairchild Bamboo Ridge 81 (Spring 2002): 281