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DISCOVER YOUR HIGHEST PURPOSE & LAUNCH YOUR GREATEST LIFE! Plus Meditation! Derek Rydall | Career | Spirituality | Self-Help



Do you ever feel there’s greatness inside of you, a higher purpose or calling, something grander more meant for your life, if you could only figure out what it is or how in the world to tap into it. If so then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll be talking with Derek Rydell prominent life, business, & career coach to Emmy and Academy Award Winner,s Fortune 500 execs, and evolutionary leaders in business, spirituality nad the healing arts. And he’s the best-selling author of several books, including Emergence: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change. I must say, Emergence it one of the most radical books on life change I’ve read, but I mean that in a GREAT way. For Derek Rydall empowers you to be your most amazing self, one much grander than you ever could have imagined! So today we’ll talk about Emergence 101, about understanding who we truly are, how to discover our gifts, and to grow from the tiny humble acorn, to the magnificent oak, we were each meant to be! Topics Include: Why “Self-Improvement” is