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BONUS GUIDED RELAXATION & NATURE WALK MEDITATION (8 Min) | Michael Sandler | Spirituality | Health | Self-Help



Today we have a very special meditation for you. It’s Christmas around the world, and for me, I love celebrating with family, with friends, and with special sacred time in nature. So today, I’ll lead you on a short guided snowy meditation to one of my favorite places on earth. Somehow the snow is extra-special this year, for most people, though not all, in northern latitudes are without snow this Christmas. I hope this meditation finds you well. If you like this meditation, please do us a HUGE favor and rate and review our show on Itunes, and feel free to make a donation for the holidays at Thank you so much! To hear fantastic interviews from your favorite authors, hero’s, and world-changers, visit our inspirenationshow. Or And coming soon, be sure to check out our Inspire Nation Meditation show. I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste. Alright, for this meditation, we’re going to crank up your magic carpet and fly you directly to the