Inspire Nation | Daily Inspiration - Motivation - Meditation | Law Of Attraction | Health | Career | Spirituality | Self-help

BONUS GUIDED RELAXING PEACE & LOVE MEDITATION (5 Min) | Michael Sandler | Inspiration | Spirituality | Health | Self-Help



Today we have a very simple, peaceful meditation to help ourselves and everyone around us over the holidays. Of course, this meditation can be done anytime of the year. Personally, I rose this morning and did 20 minutes of this meditation, helping me feel at, peace, energized, and super happy I was putting out so much positivity into the world. Try it yourself and see how great you feel! If you like this meditation, please do us a huge favor, and rate and review our show on iTunes, and for the holidays, feel free to make a donation on our website as well. It helps keep us going, feeds the elves and the reindeer and helps keep the show going too. Thanks so much. To hear more meditations by me or our guests, visit our inspire nation show or, and in the new year be sure to check out our new Inspire Nation meditations Show as well, dedicated 100% to helping you relax, take an inner journey, and get your ohm on. I send love. I send light. And many, many blessings your way. Namaste. Alrigh