Ask The Guy Show

ATG 23: Trivinia Barber & I Talk About Virtual Assistance, Connections, And Root Beer



Trivinia is a VA team recruiter and she is really good at what she does. She has built a team of over 54 employees and she has worked with some major players in the blogging world. People that she has worked with include: Amy Porterfield (@amyporterfield) Michael Hyatt (@michaelhyatt) Todd Hermon (@todd_herman) Her site is: One thing that Trivinia does that most forget to do and that's connect with everyone and to treat everyone equal (everywhere you go). You should treat everyone with respect because you never know where that connection could lead you. Most look at appearance and that's it. However, you need to give in conversation every chance you get and be resourceful. Trivinia Barber let's family-time drive her to work harder and to gain more time. She uses this family concept and treats everyone so great. Just like she did me. That's why I know she will make a great VA for anyone who needs one. She uses this family concept as her business ethic and treats everyone so great. Just lik