Ask The Guy Show

ATG 12: Mike & Luke Talk About 6 Figure Profits Under 3 years & How Connections Made That Happen



Mike and Luke talk about Mike's business and how he had dreamed of freedom just a few years ago. He wanted more and decided to jump and do his own thing. We'll 3 years later we talk about how that went and how connections have given him the boost he needed in order to make it go smoothly. Mike's business is in pest control and that's not easy to connect over! However, Mike found ways to do it and it has helped hit amazing numbers for such a small business. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to us on iTunes or Sticher! Mentioned in episode: WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: -You need energy to start off your business -Mike's taste for freedom drove him in the right direction -Hobbies many times make you money through the connections you make -Listening is the best way to connect The post ATG 12: Mike & Luke Talk About 6 Figure Profits Under 3 years & How Connections Made That Happen appeared first on LG MARKETING.