The Temple Of Healing

Episode 2 Temple Of Healing: An Interview with Lucy Postolov on the radio show "An Empowered Woman."



In this episode of The Temple Of Healing with Lucy Postolov L.Ac. Lucy is interviewed by Desiree Doubrox of BlogTalk Radio. Desiree interviews Dr. Lucy Postolov, a acupuncturist in Los Angeles who has been working on her son Elano. Elano has Neurofibromotosis 1 and had a incident in July where his left leg swelled to over 21 inches overnight. After two weeks at UCLA hospital, the only recommendation the doctors had was amputation. We researched options including reiki, nutrition and acupuncture. And the rest as they say is history, listen in as Lucy Postolov outlines her treatment regime combining acupuncture and nutrition to produce amazing results.