Mental Health News Radio

Empowering Feminine Wisdom with Dr. Jalaja Bonheim



Dr. Jalaja Bonheim joins us to talk about her book The Magic of Circle Work and empowering feminine wisdom across the globe. Jalaja has trained hundreds of women leaders in the art of facilitating circle gatherings that address our hunger for more authentic communication and connection, inner peace and spaciousness. Graduates of the Circlework Training include psychologists, social workers, professionals, ministers, rabbis, business leaders and peace activists.She received her Ph.D. in English and German literature from the University of Freiburg. For two years, she taught at University of Warwick in England. Jalaja mentors women leaders from India, Afghanistan, Australia, Kenya, India, Germany and other nations, and has attracted international acclaim for her groundbreaking work with Jewish and Palestinian women in the Middle East. Since 2005, she has been empowering them to serve as agents of peace in their communities. In 2010, she led the first women’s retreat ever offered in the West Bank, and in 2014, s