Mental Health News Radio

Reality Based Leadership According to Cy Wakeman



Cy Wakeman joins the show to discuss her Reality Based Leadership program. Cy is a dynamic international keynote speaker, business consultant, New York Times bestselling author, and global thought leader with over 25 years experience cultivating a revolutionary new approach to leadership. Grounded in reality, Wakeman’s philosophy has helped organizations and individuals all over the world learn to ditch the drama and turn excuses into results.Wakeman’s professional journey began when she was promoted to her first management position in the late 1980’s. Rather than forcing ineffective, conventional management practices into her workplace, Wakeman began developing and teaching her employees a reality-based mindset, one that is founded in personal accountability. What she discovered was inspiring – her employees were not only motivated to succeed, but they were also driven to deliver results, adept to change, and emanate happiness on the job. Inspired to help others transform their organizations and their work,