Mental Health News Radio

Trauma-Informed Services and Suicide Prevention Efforts with Cheryl Sharp



Cheryl Sharp joins us at National Council for Behavioral Health's annual conference #NatCon18 to discuss her presentation and role with the council. Cheryl S. Sharp, MSW, ALWF is an Exclusive Consultant to the National Council for Behavioral Health Trauma-Informed Services and Suicide Prevention Efforts.  As part of the trauma-informed care (TIC) team, Cheryl works nationally to facilitate TIC Learning Communities and is a content expert on trauma, resilience and TIC implementation.  Her role as Exclusive Consultant for Suicide Prevention is to work nationally with National Council partners engaged in moving the needle on preventing suicide.  Cheryl is a person in long term recovery from mental health and addiction challenges.  She is a nine time suicide attempt survivor who believes that understanding what happened to people changes the conversation from what is wrong with them.  Sharp has worked with adult trauma survivors for over 30 years and is passionate about the fact that people can and do recover and