Mental Health News Radio

Raising Healthy & Resilient Boys with Dr. Michael Gurian



Dr. Michael Gurian is the New York Times bestselling author of twenty eight books published in twenty two languages. He provides counseling services in private practice.  The Gurian Institute, which he co-founded, conducts research internationally, launches pilot programs and trains professionals.  Michael has been called “the people’s philosopher” for his ability to bring together people’s ordinary lives and scientific ideas.He has pioneered efforts to bring neuro-biology and brain research into homes, schools, corporations, and public policy. A number of his books have sparked national debate, including THE WONDER OF GIRLS, THE WONDER OF BOYS, BOYS AND GIRLS LEARN DIFFERENTLY!, THE MINDS OF BOYS and LEADERSHIP AND THE SEXES.  Michael has spoken for the United Nations on violence against women; provided information on boys’ and girls’ educational needs to the White House; and briefed Members of the 114th Congress on the boy crisis in America.In the 1990s, Michael and his colleagues at the University of Misso