Mental Health News Radio

The Wizard of La La Land: Harvey Weinstein and Other Narcissists



How many of you have felt triggered reading and hearing about the Harvey Weinstein allegations? Many of our listeners have. We have. We support the #metoo movement spearheaded by actress Alyssa Milano and have a very powerful discussion with host Kristin Sunanta Walker, Melanie Vann, and Melissa Richards about sexual misconduct and abuse. We've learned that while the abuser and society may wish to paint those who come forward as people who:Can't seem to "move on" or "let things go"Are vitriolicAre unfairAre "crazy"Are only womenThis is simply not the case. Uncomfortable topics need to be discussed. Every victim and then survivor of sexual harassment has their own journey to recovery. As you evolve, your voice and understanding of what you experienced changes. It does not disappear. Being quiet supports the abuser not the abused. It also supports those who enable and act as accomplices to the abusers.This is not gender specific.The days of "men are just men" are over.For Good.Thank you for joining us on this p